I was talking to someone the other day
Telling them about how I am going to start moving into an art studio shared with 2 other people
He asked what is the rent
I told him
He said Damn that cheap! You can get that easy from selling just one of your paintings!
I said yeahhhhh, it is , it is….yeah sell one of my paintings…
The conversation came to a lull
Later I was cleaning my studio/bedrooom
And randomly I said,
Pretty late reaction
But yeah
I dont want to
I dont think thats the point of my paintings
Its not to make something to sell
Its not for anyone else to enjoy or see
But myself
These paintings are for me for my eyes
They are for me to be able to reflect on my life
These paintings also speak to each other
If I were to separate them
They wouldn’t be able to
Their message to stronger together.
They are not stand alone pieces.
They are all in relation to each other
Just like you can’t separate one event in your life from everything else or an aspect of you personality
Liking taking a Jenga piece out
It all is related
Taking a stone out of the arch
It won’t be an arch
It can’t stand without the other peices next to it
Its so automatic for people to assume that that is the point
its that capitalistic mindset
So automatic, even I am guilty of it I bet
For the skill to be commiditized
I dont want to turn this into a commodity
I never did
I dont see myself selling my paintings
I cannot separate myself from them. Or them from each other.
It doesn’t make sense to me.
The next quesiton:
Then how will I make. money?
considering i spend hours and hours on my paintings??
well I find jobs along the way...
the point of this life is to live it how I want
making art, finding and building community,
and healing to become the best version of me
gaining wisdom...
I will find ways to keep this up along the way.
